Andrew Hollar to Henry KaylorThis Indenture made the 13th day of April in the year of our Lord 1822 Between Andrew Hollar of the County of Lincoln and State of North Carolina of the one part and Henry Kaylor of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Andrew Hollar for and in Consideration of the sum of One Hundred and thirteen Dollars to hand paid by the said Henry Kaylor the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath Bargained Sold Aliened & Confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell alien & confirm unto the said Henry Kaylor his heirs and asigns forever a certain tract and parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Lincoln on the waters of Lyles creek Beginning at a small Hickory on a ridge near a road on George Hermans open line and runs on a new line East 131. poles to a Spanish oak then S. 8. E. 111. poles to a Red oak Philip Beckers corner
(three lines were too faded to interpret accurately)
.... west To The Beginning containing by Estimation 100 acres be the same more or less It being part of a tract of 1298 acres Granted to Lewis Beard No 866 as by Record will appear and all woods ways waters and water courses and every appurtanances belonging thereunto and the Reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents Issues and profits of the aforesaid land and premises and all the estate rights to the interest claims property and heirs and whatsover of The said Andrew Hollar to the said Land and premises to the said Henry Kaylor his heirs and asigns forever And The said Andrew Hollar for himself and his heirs the aforesaid land and premises against himself and his heirs an against the claims of all other persons whatsover well warrant and forever defend by these presents In Writing whereof the said Andrew Hollar hath hereunto set his hand and Affixed his seal the day and year first above written
his mark,
Andrew Hollar
Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
J Geo Kaylor
George Kaylor Jr.
North Carolina
Lincoln County July Sessions 1822
The written Deed was proved in open court by the Oath of George Kaylor Recorded and Ordered to be registered
Witness Vardry McBee CC
Book 30 pages 273-274