Andrew Hollar to Henry KaylorThis Indenture made the 13th day of April in the year of our Lord 1822 Between Andrew Hollar of the County of Lincoln and State of North Carolina of the one part and Henry Kaylor of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Andrew Hollar for and in Consideration of the sum of One Hundred and thirteen Dollars to hand paid by the said Henry Kaylor the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath Bargained Sold Aliened & Confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell alien & confirm unto the said Henry Kaylor his heirs and asigns forever a certain tract and parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Lincoln on the waters of Lyles creek Beginning at a small Hickory on a ridge near a road on George Hermans open line and runs on a new line East 131. poles to a Spanish oak then S. 8. E. 111. poles to a Red oak Philip Beckers corner
(three lines were too faded to interpret accurately)
.... west To The Beginning containing by Estimation 100 acres be the same more or less It being part of a tract of 1298 acres Granted to Lewis Beard No 866 as by Record will appear and all woods ways waters and water courses and every appurtanances belonging thereunto and the Reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents Issues and profits of the aforesaid land and premises and all the estate rights to the interest claims property and heirs and whatsover of The said Andrew Hollar to the said Land and premises to the said Henry Kaylor his heirs and asigns forever And The said Andrew Hollar for himself and his heirs the aforesaid land and premises against himself and his heirs an against the claims of all other persons whatsover well warrant and forever defend by these presents In Writing whereof the said Andrew Hollar hath hereunto set his hand and Affixed his seal the day and year first above written
his mark,
Andrew Hollar
Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
J Geo Kaylor
George Kaylor Jr.
North Carolina
Lincoln County July Sessions 1822
The written Deed was proved in open court by the Oath of George Kaylor Recorded and Ordered to be registered
Witness Vardry McBee CC
Book 30 pages 273-274
J George Kaylor to Catharina Kaylor
This Indenture made the 30th day of May AD 1819 Between J George Kaylor of the County of Lincoln and State of North Carolina of the one part and Catharina Kaylor xxx? of the County & State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said J George Kaylor for and in consideration of the sum of sixty dollars to him in hand paid before the sealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said J George Kaylor fully satisfied Hath given granted Bargained & Sold Enfecoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell alien and confirm unto the said Catharina Kaylor and to her heirs and asigns forever A certain tract or parcel of Land lying situate and being in the County of Lincoln on the Head waters of Clarks creek and bounded as follows Beginning at the North East corner of said J Geo Kaylors original part? and runs West 70 poles to a Post oak near sigmans corner then 87% E 36 poles to a small Guam? then E 71. poles to a small Hickory on the old line than N. 2 West to the Beginning containing 16 acres 2 Roods & 6 perches Together with all woods waters water courses mining Minerals Her elements and appurterrarries to the said land belonging or in any wise appertaining To Have and To Hold The said bargained land with the appurterrarries to the said Catharina Kaylor & her heirs and asigns forever And the said J George Kaylor his heirs Executors and Administrators doth Covenant & agree that He & they shall and well warrant and forever defend the said premises to the said Catharina Kaylor her heirs and asigns against all lawful claims & demand, whatsover whereby the above mentioned promises might or may be affected or encumbered contrary to the true intent and meaning of these presents In Writing whereof the said J George Kaylor hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal the day and year first above written
his mark,
J Geo Kaylor
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of us
Joseph Mchaffey
A Cook
State of North Carolina Lincoln County April Sessions 1826
The within deed was acknowledged in open court recorded & ordered to be registered
Witness Vardry McBee CC
William & Mary Herman to George KaylorThis Indenture this third day of July In the year of our Lord, One Thousand eight Hundred And thirteen, Between William Herman & Mary his wife, Both of the county of Lincoln and State of North Carolina of the one part And George Kaylor of the county and State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth That the aforesaid William Herman and Mary His wife, For in Consideration of the sum of Twelve Pounds Lawful money of the aforesaid State to them in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of These presents, The Receipt and payment whereof is hereby Acknowledged Have Granted Bargained Sold Aliened enfecoffed and confirmed And by these Presents Doth well and confirm unto the said George Kaylor and to his Heirs and Assigns for ever All that part of Land or Dividend of Land of where we became possessed of by Law in the Personal Estate of Henry Kaylor deceased it being Confirmed In the following Courses to wit Beginning at a Hickory at the corner of Shells? field and runs North Sixty Six Degrees west one hundred and eleven poles to a post of whiteoaks Thence North two Hundred and twenty three poles to a Black Oak Thence, East one Hundred and forty one poles to a white Oak Thence south two Hundred and sixty eight poles to a Blackoak Thence West Forty four to the Beginning Portaining by Computation about Twenty three Acres by the same more or Less it being of a Tract of Land formerly Granted to James Hannan by a States Grant bearing Date the one & the 20th 1782 Nor 488 - Together with all ??? water mines minerals? ??? ??? To the said Sons’s belonging or in any wise Appertaining to have and to hold the aforesaid Twenty three Acres of Land and all and Singular other the premises hereby Granted or Intended to be granted to The said George Kaylor and to his Heirs and Assigns for ever And the said William Herman and Mary, his wife, for Himself themselves their Heirs Executors and Administrators doth hereby promise Covenant and Agree that they the said William Herman & wife their Heirs Executors and Admins Shall warrant and forever Defend the above mentioned promises to the said George Kaylor his heirs and Assigns Against all Lawful Claims and demands Whatsoever Whereby the said promises might or may be affected or Incumbered Contrary to the true Intent and meaning of these presents in writing? Whereof the Said William Herman and Mary his wife have hereunto Set their Hand & seals the day and year above written.
William Herman (his mark)
Mary Herman (her mark)
Signed sealed & Delivered
in the presence of us
Neil Cline??
Winford Simmons??
(By 1826 the transaction still had not been consumated, and it was ordered by the court that Mary Herman be examined seperate and apart from her husband to determine if she still wanted to sell the land to her brother, George Kayler.)
State of North Carolina, Lincoln County ???
Ordered by Court that Daniel Hoke Efger Am of the Justices of Said County be appointed to Examine Mary Herman wife of Wm Harmon(Hermon) Separate & apart from her Said husband whether she doth voluntarily appoint to the Executor of the within deed of Conveyance to George Kaylor, Sr?
Vardry McBee
Agreeably to the above Order of the County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions held for Lincoln County April Session 1826, I do hereby Certify that I have ???? examined Mary Harmon Separate ?? paid from her husband William Harmon respecting her Executory the within Deed of Conveyance together with her Said husband, who said & Acknowledged that She had freely & Voluntarily Executed Said Deed to George Kaylor without restraint or compulsion by her Said husband that this doth voluntarily assert thereto Given Under my hand this 26th April 1826.
Daniel Hoke
State of North Carolina
Lincoln County
April Session 1826
The written Deed of Sale was acknowledged in open Court Recorded & Ordered to be Registered.
Witness Vardry McBee cc
State of North Carolina
The within Deed of Sale was duly Registered in the Registers Office of Lincoln County the 18th day of July AD 1826, In Book No. 31 - Page 695 to 696.
W.M. Wilson - Register
William & Mary Herman
to George Kaylor
This indenture made the 1st day of June A D 1819 Between Catharina Kayler Spinster of the County of Lincoln and State of North Carolina of the one part and J George Kaylor of the County & State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Catharina Kayler for and in consideration of the sum of Forty five dollars to her in hand paid by the said J George Kayler at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereby is hereby acknowledged have given granted Bargained & Sold and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell alien and confirm unto the said J Geo Kayler his heirs and assigns forever all that part of her dividend of land to which she inherited by law of the real Estate of her Father Henry Kayler Deceased It being lying and situate in the County of Lincoln on the waters of Clarks creek It being bounded & Comprehended with herein after following Courses to wit Beginning at a Hickory at the corner of West field and runs No 66 West 111 poles to a White Oak then North 223 poles to a Black oak then E 141 poles to a White Oak then South 268 poles to a small Black Oak then 44 poles to the Beginning both Together with all woods waters mines minerals Her elements and appurterrarries to the said land belonging or any any case appertaining to Have and to Hold the aforesaid land containing 25 acres or the same more or less and all & Singular Other the Premises hereby granted to the said J Geo Kayler And His heirs and assigns forever And the said Catharina Kayler for her and her heirs the aforesaid premises both said J Geo Kaylor his heirs and assigns shall and well warrant & forever defense against her and her heirs and all other lawful claims whatsoever whereby the above mentioned premises might or may be affected or encumbered contrary to her true intent & Meaning of these presents In Writing whereof the said Catharine Kayler hath hereunto set her hand & affixed her seal this day and year first above written
her mark
Catharina Kayler
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Mich Cline
Jacob Shuford
State of North Carolina
Lincoln County April Sessions 1826
The written deed of sale was acknowledged in open court recorded & ordered to be registered
Witness Vardry McBee cc
Lincoln County Deed Book 31, p.707